Elizabeth Stuart
Krisitne Soellner
Laila Jensen
Bill Dorshuk
Brian Woodward
Paula Cravens
Tony Valentine
Wolfgang Kunze
Leslie Cartwright
Dodie Marcil
Sandra Mercier--Aarbian Mountain Spice Bellydance
Bill Croft
We held a great art show at the Canal Flats Community Centre as part of the Columbia Basin Culture Tour. We were a bit disappointed by the turnout (40 people on Saturday and 10 on Sunday) but a couple of local realtors were hugely impressed. They recently held an open house and had only one person show up!
We were entertained by the demos of the Arabian Spice Bellydancers and managed to finance sending a butt to Vegas as part of their fundraising, a creative scheme whereby you can sponsor a various bellydancer body part to take the trip.
I am very impressed that such a novice group has now had three shows! We are learning, and most important, we are having fun.