Tuesday, 29 May 2012

For a good time, not a long time

 Big Bert    22x38
There will be no Headwaters art meeting at Canal Flats this week  (May 30th). We are encouraging people to go to the art reception at Pynelogs (7 pm) to show support for Paula and Leslie. Lots of artists represented...go check it out.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Vis Arts Lives!

The perplexity of pattern

Artists and Art Aficionados of the Cranbrook area!

The annual VisArts exhibition has been rescheduled and will be open from June 12th to July 10th with the reception taking place on June 21st at 7:00pm.

The final date for submission is June 6th at 5pm and the exhibition is open themed.

A maximum of three artworks may be submitted however, as gallery space is a limiting factor, extra artworks may not be included and artists will be refunded accordingly.

Please see the attached entry form for more details.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call.  We are open Tuesday – Friday 11am to 5pm and Saturdays 10am -2pm.

We look forward to seeing you.

Lyndell Classon
Cranbrook & District Arts Council
PO Box 861, Cranbrook, BC V1C 4J6
Tel / Fax: (250) 426-4223

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Stamp on it!

I get the newsletter from interweave:  clothpaperscissors@interweave.com
It's free and there are lots of great ideas for collage stuff.

From their website:

how to carve a stamp
A selection of hand-carved stamps
by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer.
Rubber stamp carving involves making an investment in tools such as a lino cutter handle and blades and lino or rubber stamp material such as Speedy Carve, a pink 
eraser-like material by Speedball.

I am considering holding some afternoon workshops in beautiful downtown Canal Flats. How to make and use stamps, gelatin prints, rust paper, collage paper. Would anyone be interested?

Sunday, 20 May 2012

A case for a web presence

Brian Woodward   Mountain Scene

A case for a web presence

Feeling sorry for walk-in artists
by Art gallery manager

I always look at online submissions to my gallery. I do not solicit them, nor do I pass them up. If artists come into my gallery and tell me they want to show me their work I politely tell them we are not taking on any new artists and I feel sorry for them as they go away. Generally, talking to artists in the gallery is a waste of time as I could be on the phone talking to potential customers. But if artists send in online I give them a quick scan. While dealers will tell you they are not interested, there are no dealers in the world who are not looking for better art that will sell itself. Several of my most popular painters have come to me via the Internet and I would not have heard about them otherwise.

from the Painter's key newsletter

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Liz Wiltzen portrait workshop


 This workshop may be cancelled if there isn't more enrollment. A great chance to study with an excellent teacher.
4 Day Portrait Workshop
Invermere, BC
June 1st-4th, 2012

Painting portraits is a fabulous way to develop your skill as an artist. It requires enormous focus and discipline.
During this workshop we will begin working from simple mannequins and work up to painting from live models.
We will be exploring all elements of successful portraiture including lighting, design, drawing, measuring, and the key elements to consider when exploring your subject in paint.
For registration details please contact Victoria Page:
email: rvpage@shaw.ca 
phone: 250 688 0220