Sunday, 20 May 2012

A case for a web presence

Brian Woodward   Mountain Scene

A case for a web presence

Feeling sorry for walk-in artists
by Art gallery manager

I always look at online submissions to my gallery. I do not solicit them, nor do I pass them up. If artists come into my gallery and tell me they want to show me their work I politely tell them we are not taking on any new artists and I feel sorry for them as they go away. Generally, talking to artists in the gallery is a waste of time as I could be on the phone talking to potential customers. But if artists send in online I give them a quick scan. While dealers will tell you they are not interested, there are no dealers in the world who are not looking for better art that will sell itself. Several of my most popular painters have come to me via the Internet and I would not have heard about them otherwise.

from the Painter's key newsletter

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this information with us Paula. This also saves the artist time as well!
